Press Release: 100+ Orgs Sign Letter Opposing Discriminatory Legislation


Nabila Mansoor

(713) 320-1900

Rise AAPI and 100+ Organizations Opposes Discriminatory Legislation Targeting Immigrant Rights in Texas: Urges Lawmakers to Reject Bills Including SB 147, SB 711, SB 552, and HB 4736

April 5, 2023

HOUSTON, Texas – Rise AAPI, a Texas-based advocacy group for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, signed onto an organizational letter today, along with over 100 national and state organizations, in opposition to several bills currently pending before the Texas legislature that would restrict the rights of immigrants and their families. The bills in question, including SB 147, SB 711, SB 552, and HB 4736, have raised concerns among community and professional organizations across Texas and the nation.

Rise AAPI is particularly concerned with the impact of SB 147, as amended, which would restrict the ability of immigrants to purchase homes, grow their businesses, and pursue higher education. The bill also specifically targets immigrants and visa-holders from China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia, among other countries. This, combined with other bills of a similar nature, creates fear and concern among Asian American business owners and families and promotes the impression that Texas is not a welcoming place for immigrants and their investments.

"These bills are discriminatory and send a harmful message to our communities," said Nabila Mansoor, Executive Director of Rise AAPI. "They single out and deny the ability of Asian, Iranian, and other communities to build a life and put down roots in the place that they call home. This is in direct contravention of the rights afforded to them under federal law."

The bills in question echo the Alien Land Laws of the early 20th century that prevented Asians from owning land in states across the country, and more recent policies like the Muslim Ban, which separated immigrants and refugees on the basis of their religion and national origin from their families and prevented students from contributing to the strength of the United States.

"We urge Texas lawmakers to reject these bills and any legislation that would discriminate against individuals and families based on their national origin or ancestry," said Mansoor. "We encourage them to meet with potentially impacted community members and to speak out against all bills that end up targeting and harming the individuals and communities that make Texas and our country stronger."

Rise AAPI is committed to supporting the rights of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and will continue to monitor the situation in Texas closely. For more information or to get involved, please visit their website at


Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities have grown dramatically in Texas in the last decade. Recognizing that our community holds untapped potential to shape the world we want to live in tomorrow, the mission of Rise AAPI is to unite, organize, and support the progressive AAPI community in Texas.


Proclamation from Judge George