April 26, 2024

Statement on Excessive Force Against Peaceful Student Protestors

Houston, TX - Rise AAPI, alongside Texas AAPI and Muslim Organizations, condemns the violence on April 24th at UT Austin.

Statement from Texas AAPI and Muslim Organizations in Response to Excessive Force Against Peaceful Student Protestors

We condemn Governor Greg Abbott, the Department of Public Safety (DPS), and The University of Texas at Austin’s (UT) decision to use excessive force against peacefully protesting students. The First Amendment protects the right of all people to peacefully assemble. It is imperative that UT students, like all people, retain their unalienable right to express political opinions without facing the looming threat of arbitrary arrest or violence.

Furthermore, we are deeply troubled by the pattern of discriminatory rhetoric and the unjust targeting of Palestinian students and allies by Governor Abbott’s Executive Order mandating higher education institutions to penalize any criticisms of Israel. It is crucial to recognize that criticism of the policies and actions of the Israeli government does not equate to antisemitism. While it is imperative to denounce all occurrences of hate or bias, employing force against peaceful protestors is fostering a chilling effect on free speech. This suppression is stifling genuine activism and expression not only on college campuses but also beyond, thereby undermining fundamental rights and contradicting the principles of justice and equality. Such conflation only serves to stifle legitimate discourse and undermine the very principle of free speech.

The excessive force adopted by DPS in managing these protests is not only premature but also grossly disproportionate. Peaceful assembly is a cornerstone of our democratic principles, and the use of force against students exercising their constitutional rights is a violation of civil liberties.

We stand in solidarity with all individuals peacefully advocating for justice, equality, and human rights, and we demand accountability for any actions that infringe upon these fundamental freedoms.

We also call on officials across Texas to condemn these horrific actions by the UT Police Department, Austin Police Department, and DPS and to guarantee the safety of our students, staff, and faculty.